Many mathematical, technical, and currency symbols, are not present on a normal. To add such symbols to an HTML page, you can use an HTML entity name. HTML Codes – Table for easy reference of ascii characters and symbols in HTML format.
NewLine;, #x0000A;, #10;, LINE FEED (LF) ! HTML Currency Symbols, Currency Entities and ASCII Currency Character Code. HTML codes, the angstrom sign, biohazard sign, alef symbol, . Find the html character entity codes you need fast. Find the html character codes you need fast.
HTML Code and Unicode Hexadecimal for Unicode arrow characters. Decimal Code, Unicode Hexadecimal and HTML Name for ASCII Spanish characters. HTML character references add reserved and special characters to an HTML document.
Using HTML entities is the right way to ensure all the characters on your page are validated. However, often finding the right entity code requires scanning . Entities for characters with special meaning in HTML and XHTML; Entities for accented characters, accents, and other diacritics from Western European . This Web page contains lists of common special entity codes needed in HTML to generate special characters .