With a comprehensive database and a wide range of colour information readily available, the Standowin iQ colour retrieval programme makes finding the right . International manufacturer of automotive paints. Includes information on products, color tools, bodyshop consulting, news and downloads.
Standox oferă o gamă largă de servicii pentru vopsitoriile auto. De la produse ecologice de vopsire si lăcuire la programe de management a procesului de . Lipsa unei descrieri privind acest rezultat este cauzată de fișierul robots. In this Video I will take you the whole way through mixing and Colour matching Standox Solvent Basecoat to. In this video I will take you through the steps of using Standox.
Scan the VIN and find the right color formula. I have a buddy that purchased a Triumph.
The original colors on the tank were called Pacific Blue and Silver. Each large variant color chip includes a page number, in addition to the manufacturer information.