Le blanc counter

Find out which spell she upgrade as first, Q or W. Q – push lane har she has no waveclear. Find out which champions counter LeBlanc and more on ChampionCounter.

Leblanc is a mobile AP champion that focuses on taking down single target before they have a chance to react. She can excel at mid and support offering a great . Aprenda como counterar LeBlanc com os counterpicks e dicas de League of Legends. View LeBlanc’s role, lane, win rate, pick rate, ban rate, KDA, tier, counters, and stats for patch 6.

Diana does well against Le Blanc, though I don’t really call it a true counter. Start Flask + pots, get early points into shield and farm until . LoL Statistics, Builds, Runes, Masteries, Skill Orders, Counters and Matchups for LeBlanc when played Middle. Statistics include LeBlanc’s Win Rate, Play Rate . CounterStats: Counter Picking Statistics for League of Legends. Leblanc as a solo top is kinda (ok, very) unconventional as she lacks all of the things typically sought after in a solo top.

LeBlanc counter picks and stats have been analyzed from 1422games over the last . Averigua cuáles campeones pueden contrarrestar a LeBlanc y más en ChampionCounter. Leblanc is a champion who is focused around her burst damage.

She has the potential to get into a fight, kill the enemy squishies and escape unharmed. So, I usually don’t play AP mid but a few times I’ve been forced into. It’s very good to remember that LeBlanc’s silence takes a bit of time to set up . Descubra quais campeões são fortes contra LeBlanc e muito mais no ChampionCounter. I remember in Swhen I played LB, that was one of the worst lanes for me, but things have changed a lot.

You could always max W and try to counter push him . We analyze millions of LoL games every day to get champion stats, matchups, builds summoner rankings. Champions stats, popularity, winrate, best items and . Know how to counterpicks against LeBlanc in League of Legends. Details of Strengths, Weakness Synergy of Champion LeBlanc to create your strategy build .